Subject: Re: endless loop in megatools-dl
From: Ondřej Jirman
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 15:15:14 +0200

On Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 01:42:17AM +0000, wrote:
> I often have strange issues while downloading files from MEGA folders. At
> some point the downloading of the next arbitrary file starts, but never
> finishes and falls into an endless loop. I'm using the latest Linux build
> from
> Here is a part of the log produced while running `megatools dl --debug
> tman,http`
> Some URL data is redacted. just stops sending data, or packets start to get lost somewhere
in the middle for that connection, without a proper connection termination.

Not much I can do about this.

kind regards,

> * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> > POST /dl/##################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################/0-14447087
> > HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, zstd
> User-Agent: Megatools (1.11.0)
> Content-Length: 0
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Content-Length: 14447088
> < Content-Type: application/octet-stream
> < Content-Disposition: attachment
> < Cache-Control: private
> < Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
> < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
> < Access-Control-Allow-Headers: MEGA-Chrome-Antileak
> < Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
> < Cache-Control: no-store
> <
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 20.75% - 2.9 MiB (2997360 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (2.9 MiB/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 56.83% - 7.8 MiB (8209696 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (5.0 MiB/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 89.27% - 12.3 MiB (12896312 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (4.5 MiB/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (1.0 MiB/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> 鲁迅的彷徨与呐喊.pdf: 98.87% - 13.6 MiB (14284480 bytes) of 13.8 MiB (0 bytes/s)
> <and it repeats endlessly>